Bonnie Mawson, Chief Executive Officer/Supervisor
The focus of our service is the children and young persons of one-parent families. Our services are provided in the family context; we work with the whole whanau. Our task is to facilitate the growth of confidence, development of living skills and a sense of wellbeing within the whanau unit and its individual members. The welfare and interests of the children and rangatahi is our paramount consideration.
Please feel free to contact our office between 9.30am and 4pm for information and support.
If you need support, please call or email info@birthrightwellington.org.nz to make an appointment to discuss your needs and how we may be able to assist.
As our mahi takes us out into the community, please phone to check that someone is onsite.
Our free services include:
- Home-based social work support, enabling you to find practical solutions
- Working with you on a tailored plan for your family
- Offering parent education opportunities
- Offering parent networking opportunities
- Offering support and advocacy with a range of agencies, e.g. Work & Income and Kāinga Ora
- Providing referrals to specialist services
- Counseling
- Offering low cost/free events for the whole whanau to enjoy
- Providing practical assistance with clothing, toys and books etc
“Thank you so much for sending me and my daughter to Outward Bound for 8 days! It was fantastic swimming in the sea every day, sailing and rowing for two days, tramping, kayaking in white water, running every day, rock climbing, high wires. It was an amazing time and so good going with her – so much excellent quality time!! We will both remember this experience for a very long time! It was so much fun!” - Birthright Wellington client.
“Thank you so much! My Outward Bound course was easily one of the best experiences of my life. It changed my outlook on life and gave me new motivation in everything that I do as well as allowing me to try out heaps of new things such as white water kayaking, high ropes, sailing, rowing & tramping. But perhaps the most important thing I got out of this course was the new bond formed between me and my mother as well as the other people in my watch. However, although Outward Bound strengthened the relationship with my mother and I, they also put a great amount of effort to make sure us youth also learn to be independent and responsible for our actions. None of this would have been possible if it hadn’t been for you, so thanks.” - Birthright Wellington client’s daughter.