Can my child travel between homes?
Yes, the government has said that children can travel between parents. It’s important to talk to your child’s other parent about your individual circumstances. Can my child go to school?
Schools remain closed at Alert Level 4 and distance learning takes place.
At Alert Level 3, early learning centres are able to provide childcare for parents who are working. Children cannot attend play centres and play groups. Primary and intermediate schools are open. If caregiving is available at home and school children have access to distance learning, children are encouraged to learn from home. High schools are open for Year 9 and 10 students who may not be able to stay at home alone. Years 11-13 students and tertiary students continue distance learning.
At Alert Levels 1 & 2, all educational facilities are open. Distance learning is still available for those unable to attend (e.g. where people in the household are self-isolating).
What happens if I can’t get to work?
If you are not able to return to work or continue working from home, you need to discuss options with your employer. It may be that you can receive special paid leave, but you both must agree. Consider using a combination of annual holidays or other sick leave to come to an agreement that is fair.
Will I still get my benefits?
Yes, you are still entitled to benefits. Work & Income are encouraging clients to contact them by phone on 0800 559 009 or online for help before arranging to meet in-person.
What happens if I’m struggling to make ends meet?
Local food banks and community groups may be able to help with food. For more information, read the above information. Contact the Parent Helpline for support on 0800 568 856.