When separating, there is often an urgent need for new accommodation for one or both of the partners.
Tenancy Services and your local Citizens Advice Bureau can provide information about renting and the rights and obligations of tenants and landlords.
If you are a parent moving to escape domestic violence you can apply for a Special Needs Grant (re-establishment costs). Up to $1,400 may be available, made up of:
- up to $800 recoverable grant for accommodation, bond and/or rent in advance, and/or
- up to $600 non-recoverable grant for beds, bedding and essential appliances, telephone, electricity or gas connection. To qualify you will need to meet certain conditions.
Women's Refuge are located throughout the country to provide support and information for women who are dealing with psychological or physical violence in their lives. They are an independent community organisation run by women for women and children and have safe houses available.